Screenshot editing for hub entries has been moved to the hub entry editor page, rather than the hub page itself.
BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 31.0.1650.63
Applies to:Website
Status: Resolved (web)

This issue has been resolved.
Am I missing something, or is there no option for screenshots on hubs anymore? I went back and checked my old hubs and they have screenshots on them, but I can't access them or have any option to add or remove screenshots.

Go to the Screenshot tab while viewing your hub entry and click [Manage Screenshots] to upload/delete files.
Ah, I see. I still find it strange that it isn't in the "Manage hub" section.
Lige resolved issue (Not a bug)
I also think it should be featured within the Manage Hub section, but it is what it is. You could make a feature request regarding it.
Yeah, this seems like an oversight on our part.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Screenshot editing for hub entries has been moved to the hub entry editor page, rather than the hub page itself.