icon = 'SZpetals.dmi'
icon_state = " "
density = 1

var/spcost =1000

client/DblClick(O as obj)
if(usr.szshikai == 1)
usr.flash = 0
if(usr.sp > spcost)
var/spcost = round(1000/(1+(usr.shikaimastery)))
var/spldmg = round(usr.reiatsu*(1+(usr.shikaimastery))*(1+(usr.zanjutsu)))
usr.sp -= spcost
missile(new/mob/obj/SZ, src, O)
if(/mob/obj/SZ || M as mob)
M.pp -= spldmg

Problem description:

Hi. my friend and i are working on a bleach type game and im having trouble constructing one of the moves in the style of doubleclicking and launching an attack. but the problem is that we cant get it to exactly hurt anything when we launch it. we want it to make the missle mark if it hits the mob to deal damage. not the easy way around with if u just double click on them they get hurt. i keep having problems with marking what as what for mobs and objs for when i use one. it wont recognize the mobs health (m.pp) heres the portion that i think needs the work. if anybody has any suggestions.

i appreciate all the help any of you are willing to give if u can solve this problem, i dont have much access to many good scources so im not sure what to do about how to work this perfectly. thanks