        Whisper(mob/M in world,msg as text)
M << "<html><font size = 1><font color = purple><B><I> **Whisper**</I> [usr.Name]:<font color = black> [msg]</B></font></html>"

Problem description:
The Name variable is used as an input in the new character creation. When whisper is used it brings up the usr key instead of name in the list. How can I fix this?
Euhm, why don't you just use [usr]? That'll give the current mob his name o.o;;
In response to Mysame
Wont that call it by the key though? Name is my variable for it. When you open the list it pulls up Keys instead of Names. some people dont like to be called by there keys you know.
In response to CYN
Euhm, no. [usr] = name. Thus, in the login, you'd do

//Create new mob, nananananannanaa, job, nananana"Naaame?") as text
In response to Mysame
I'm using a title screen login now and
world<<"<html><font size = 1><font color = brown><B>Event:<font color = black>[usr] has logged in</font></html>"

lists my key when i log in, instead of my name. Say i name my character poop. Upon loading it says CYN.

I Think its a loading problem.
var/savefile/F = new(ckey)

F << x
F << y
F << z
var {saved_x; saved_y; saved_z}
F >> saved_x
F >> saved_y
F >> saved_z
In response to CYN
You don't need to put the <html> tag in. And spaces between the attribute and the value of a tag is bad. What I believe is when the mob's name preset variable is null, it uses the key instead.
world<<"<small><b><font color=brown>Event:</font><font color=black>[] has logged in.</font></b></small>"