mob/verb/Thunder(mob/M as mob in oview(6))//Use the magic on any mob within 6 tiles
set category = "Magic"//sets the category of this to 'Magic', making a new tab -= 100 - DEF//removes 5 hp from m's hp
usr << "You shock [M] for 20 points of damage!"//sends this to the usr
M << "You are shocked by [usr] for 5 points of damage!"//sends this to the m
M.Die()//runs the deathcheck proc

Problem description: Ok so I have a code like this. It goes in the magic tab and everything just fine but how can I make it that i can get other ones when i'm a certain level. Like when I level up to level 5 i get fire. How would that be?

You read the DM Guide. Half of that code is utterly wrong.
This belongs in Developer How-To. Also, you didn't even need to show us that snippet since you basically want to know how to give a mob a verb once they reach a certain level.
In response to Mysame
The only thing I see wrong with that is the design and the M.Die() bit, which if he's going to do anything with a killer in Die(), needs to be M.Die(usr).
In response to Artemio
It's simple actually,

you change the mob/verb to mob/skill/verb

and in the level up proc you add somthing in the lines of


plus, please don't edit other peoples libaries and demo's,
try and learn from them.