var/cname= ckey(name) "/[ckey]/[cname]"
Players["name"]<< name
Players["gender"]<< gender
Players["icon"]<< icon
Players["verbs"]<< verbs
Players["location"]<< loc
Load() = "/[ckey]"
var/list/characters = Players.dir
var/list/menu = new()
menu += characters
var/result = input("Which Character do you wish to load?", null, "Which Character?") in menu = "/[ckey]/[result]"
Players["name"] >> name
Players["gender"]>> gender
Players["icon"]>> icon
Players["verbs"]>> verbs
Players["location"]>> loc
Problem description: This is my save system obviously. Yes, very simple right now, but I will accomodate it with better features later. Anyway, when I load my character it loads everything except the verbs. Instead, I get a runtime error saying:
runtime error: Cannot write to atom.verbs.
proc name: Load (/mob/proc/Load)
usr: Teris (/mob/Player/Load_Character)
src: Teris (/mob/Player/Load_Character)
call stack:
Teris (/mob/Player/Load_Character): Load()
Teris (/mob/Player/Load_Character): Login()
Also, when a character is loaded, it doesn't change the location of the player. It just stays in the same spot. How do I fix this? And one final problem: I noticed that, occasionally, variables saved would pop up in the loading list. How do I fix all of this? If you have any recommendations for my system here to make it better, please let me know.