var/sea = 0

//Stuff here

var/turf/seacheck = Entered(/turf)
if(seacheck.sea == 1)
return ..()
return 0

runtime error: Cannot read null.sea
proc name: Move (/mob/Move)
usr: RT3 (/mob/Player)
src: RT3 (/mob/Player)
call stack:
RT3 (/mob/Player): Move(Water (2,1,1) (/turf/Water), 4)

Problem description: It detects where I am moving but it does not want to call the Sea variable. Can someone clean this up?

And yes, that is my key.

var/turf/seacheck=locate() in src.loc
In response to Mysame
Still don't detect the Sea variable.
In response to RedlineM203
One and a bit hours under the bump allow limit, but hey, I need this.

In response to RedlineM203
Looks like it's trying to take the seacheck variable off of the player, but there is no var set for the player.
In response to King Gunnerblast
...But then it would say undefined variable. Hmm...
In response to RedlineM203
Could we just see the WHOLE code? >.>