char_class = input(src, help_text,
prompt_title, default_value) in classes
error:char_class:undefined var
error:char_class:value not allowed here
if ("Jedi") new_mob = new /mob/players/Jedi()
error:"Jedi":duplicate definition
error:/mob/players/Jedi:undefined type path
error::duplicate definition
error::empty type name (indentation error?)
if ("Clone") new_mob = new /mob/players/Clone()
error:"Clone":duplicate definition
error:/mob/players/Clone:undefined type path
error::duplicate definition
if ("Sith") new_mob = new /mob/players/Sith()
error:"Sith":duplicate definition
error:/mob/players/Sith:undefined type path
error::duplicate definition = char_name
error:char_name:undefined var
src.client.mob = new_mob
error:src.client.mob:undefined var
Problem description:
I took some stuff out of the Rise of Heros game, Put it with star wars stuff and WAMMO! This happens!
Can someone help me?
My post for staff is in Classified Ads "Staff?"
Also, when implementing code into your game you have to make sure all teh variables that the code uses is in your game. Double checkw hat you already use and see wha they use. If you dont have any variable like theirs see how they used it in their code. If they have one like yours change theirs to yours.
after this, compile and see what errors you get now :D