Event Dec 24 2013, 8:01 pm
to Dec 31 2013, 7:59 pm


We hit the goal! Nice work everyone! I was starting to worry I'd have to give out totebags to push us over the top, but you plowed right past the goal!

Sooo.. much.. good will.. Aurgh!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

We've got a little less than a week left in the year, and it's been a while since we've hit the donations goal. Let's close out this year with a big "thanks!" to Tom and Lummox JR for keeping BYOND running, and for the cool new features that have rolled out recently!

Until the end of the year (whatever time zone the donation bar runs on), I will be matching donations made to BYOND, up until we reach the $5000 goal. There's $2500 left at the time of this writing, so if the community can raise $1250, we'll hit the goal!

So, if you've been mulling over making a donation or buying a membership for you or a friend, do it before the end of the year and it'll do twice the good! Even if you can only afford $5, here's your chance to double it.

Each night I'll check how much we've raised, and donate an equivalent amount. I'll keep track of our progress in this post!

Also, this goes without saying, but please don't give beyond your means. We can hit the goal without anyone putting themselves at financial risk, just help spread the word! A lot of little donations can do it!

Happy holidays and a happy new year!

| Date             |  Total  | Raised | Post-match |
| 25th 2:48PM CST | $2500 | ---- | ----- |
| 26th 3:13AM CST | $2673 | $173 | $2846 |
| 27th 12:48AM CST | $3136 | $290 | $3426 |
| 27th 11:48PM CST | $3666 | $240 | $3906 |
| 29th 2:20AM CST | $4128 | $222 | $4350 |
| 29th 3:01PM CST | $4809 | $459 | $5268 |

Donations during event: $1384 / $1250
Amount matched: $1384 / $1250
Event total: $2768 / $2500
Monthly total: $5268 / $5000
Remaining: -$268 (?!?!?!)
That's the christmas spirit, good luck Dark :) I went and broke my promise not to do it anymore as well^^.
In response to Teka123
Thanks for starting us off, Teka!

You'll just have to make a new year's resolution to stop again ;)
Let me cash my checks and I'll put a donation in.
It's not exactly loads, but I gave what I could spare.

Merry Christmas guys and I wish you all a wonderful year in 2014!
I wish I could join in on this, but unfortunately it has come at a time where I cannot donate conveniently enough to make a difference. I'll just put in some extra whenever I get around to renewing my membership, most likely, which will probably be sometime next month.

I wanted to stop by and say this is absolutely excellent, though. I'm so glad to see someone putting forth such a great, and generous effort! I guess you really caught a strong case of holiday spirit this year!
This is incredibly generous! Happy holidays!
First day over, and we managed to raise $173! Not bad considering many people were probably super busy with family today.

I've donated a matching $173, bringing us up to $2846!

Thanks to all who've donated! If you're in a position where you can't spare any money right now, but still want to help out, consider donating some of your time by helping another user or providing some good suggestions for someone's game :)
Woho awesome!, and the 2nd day will be brilliant especially thanks to Stephen :)
Woo! We raised a lot of money today: $290! After the match, we're now up to a whooping three-thousand, four hundred and twenty-six dollars!!! (I wrote it out to emphasize how great it is)

A big thanks to Stephen and Higoten, and to those who purchased memberships!

After today, we're just a miniscule $1574 away from the goal, which with the match means we only need $787 in donations to hit it!

We've only got four days left, so if you're thinking about buying a membership, making a donation, or bugging your friends to do the same--DON'T WAIT! Get it in before New Year's! We've made good progress, but we still have to average a little over $157 each day to hit the goal!
We're almost there, only about a thousand to go! Nice works guys!
I probably look like a greedy Grinch who got his membership by being the first non-member to comment a post, but I really wished I had money to spare for BYOND!
Happy to see such a generous offer supporting BYOND.

Here's to another year of BYOND. Merry BYONDmas
I'm ready to donate 250 right now. Can you match that?
In response to FIREking
Way to push us over the top, FIREking! Yea, I'll match that for you :)
Holly molly lol good job guys :)
Glad to see we made it! Nice event!
Woo hoo!
Hurray BYOND :D.
Awesome. Well done to everyone that participated, & a big thank you to DC!