icon = 'new.bmp'
usr.sight = 1
if (fexists("players/[usr.ckey].sav"))
switch(alert("If you continue with a new character, your previous character will be erased. Do you wish to continue?","WARNING!","Yes","No"))
if ("Yes")
usr << " "
return ..()
if ("No")
usr << "<font color=red size=0>You have been disconnected to our server. Please reconnect and click <font color=green size0>Load</font>"
return ..()
return ..()

Problem description:

The problem is how can i add/insert a code that when you click the icon "NEW" at the loading screen.. you will be directly send to the choose character.... i dont know how to make it so please help me to find this out.. thank you... if you need more description please post here.. thank you..
Why yes, we do need more information. Also, you've got some bad html in there.
In response to Mysame
Mysame wrote:
Why yes, we do need more information. Also, you've got some bad html in there.

Well not really all he forgot was the = sign for size0

<font color=red size=10>

Works normal ive been using html css php for a long time now

""The problem is how can i add/insert a code that when you click the icon "NEW" at the loading screen.. you will be directly send to the choose character.... i dont know how to make it so please help me to find this out.. thank you... if you need more description please post here.. thank you..""

Makes no sense what are you trying to do?