Well, I finally got WoW. Playing on Sylvanas Realm. Got my Night Elf Rogue to level 12 before I almost threw my computer out of the window. But, changed my mind, and now it's just reformatting.

My comp tends to freeze with everything now adays. Personal Computer, UT2004, GW, WoW, even plain music from WMP. I reckon it's all because of some junk software, or so I hope. If it still freezes after this, I'll plainly ... Well, go back to plan 1.

And now, How To Crash DreamMaker

Step 1. Define a loop you want as 'world'. As in;
#define world for(var/mob/M in world)M'output'msg
Bug I think 'output' means 2 <'s. Html is messing it up. :(

Step 2. Call it. Ex;
mob/verb/thing(msg as text)world

Weird, I'll say. When I define it as something else, even usr or src, it goes perfectly. :<
Think about it:

#define world for(var/mob/m in world) dosomething()

Notice that 'world' turns up in the macro? I bet it's substituting infinitely. Which means that:

#define usr usr.stuff

Should crash dreammaker in a similar fashion. I'm not entirely certain, but:

#define flubb wubb in flubb

should also work.
Replace 'output' with "&lt;&lt;" for <<. It's not a bug, you just have to escape the special character.