My comp tends to freeze with everything now adays. Personal Computer, UT2004, GW, WoW, even plain music from WMP. I reckon it's all because of some junk software, or so I hope. If it still freezes after this, I'll plainly ... Well, go back to plan 1.
And now, How To Crash DreamMaker
Step 1. Define a loop you want as 'world'. As in;
#define world for(var/mob/M in world)M'output'msg
Bug I think 'output' means 2 <'s. Html is messing it up. :(
Step 2. Call it. Ex;
mob/verb/thing(msg as text)world
Weird, I'll say. When I define it as something else, even
or src
, it goes perfectly. :<
#define world for(var/mob/m in world) dosomething()
Notice that 'world' turns up in the macro? I bet it's substituting infinitely. Which means that:
#define usr usr.stuff
Should crash dreammaker in a similar fashion. I'm not entirely certain, but:
#define flubb wubb in flubb
should also work.