mob/verb/Fire(mob/M as mob in oview(6))
set category = "Magic"
var/dmg = usr.str - M.def
usr<<"You did [dmg] damage to [M]."
usr.Mp -= 5
if(M.Hp <= 0)
usr.Exp += M.ExpG
usr.Gold += M.GoldG
usr<<"<b>You gained [M.ExpG] exp and [M.GoldG] gil.</b>"
return ..()
Problem description:I tried murging an attack verb with magic. It works fine except I don't know how to make it so you see the spell get shot to the enemy, and the enemy never dies. Also how it takes away 5 Mp every time, how to I make it if I have 0 Mp I get a message saying I'm out of Mp? Thanks.
I don't know if this will work but it looks like it.