BYOND Version:503
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 26.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
From 502 and up, server has been unable to complete startup sequence while threading is on. It connects to MySQL, and at that point CPU0's stops being used while CPU1 keeps on trucking at 100%, but nothing happens. It's neither a hang nor a crash, it just never completes the sequence nor reaches "Port blah is available" stage. Turning "threads off" in daemon.cfg fixes the issue.
Can you construct a small demo that shows the problem? I did a few simple tests and it is working properly, so it is probably related to the way the world is initialized in the DM.
IIRC ZomgPonies runs a station with a BS12 build, so it might be related to 32 bit DMBs
Thats a branch of BS12 yes, BS12 uses 32 bit DMB's currently
We'll try a full test with SS13 (I suspect any build will work-- it probably has to do with the long initialization). However, if someone could construct a smaller case that illustrates the problem, that would help tremendously.
Had this issue aswell, updated to the latest beta, fixed the problem. At least for me.

Beside that, I didn't know we had 64 bit DMB's?
In response to Laser50
Laser50 wrote:
Beside that, I didn't know we had 64 bit DMB's?

You dont
In response to Tobba
Tobba wrote:
Laser50 wrote:
Beside that, I didn't know we had 64 bit DMB's?

You dont

Then what's the point referring to them?
In response to Laser50
Laser50 wrote:
Then what's the point referring to them?

There is no such thing as a 64 bit DMB, 32 bit DMBs and 16 bit however... its related to internals, Baystation breaks through the 16 bit DMB string limit
In response to Tobba
Tobba wrote:
Laser50 wrote:
Then what's the point referring to them?

There is no such thing as a 64 bit DMB, 32 bit DMBs and 16 bit however...

Ah, in that way. Now I get it.
I'm running build 503.1222 and have no problems connecting to MySQL Databases. If this helps at all. I do not however connect to a MySQL Database at world boot.