BYOND Version:503
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate
Web Browser:Chrome 31.0.1650.63
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
I was testing out the new subscription system on Shell Server, it worked a couple of times, but most of the times, it couldn't recognize me as a subscriber.

if(src.key=="Undefeated Saiyans") src.mob.suffix="<b>Admin</b>"
else src.mob.suffix="<b>Player</b>"
world<<"<b>[src.key] has joined</b>"
src<<"This is BETA testing for new source. So there will be bugs!"
if(src.key in SubList)
src<<browse("You are not a subscriber! Redirecting you to payment page in 5 seconds","window=MainBrowser")
spawn(50)src<<browse({"<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />"},"window=MainBrowser")

The code above is how I load the subscriptions.
Can you detect any kind of pattern for how this works or doesn't? I noticed you're not checking the response from IsSubscribed() for a null, which is incorrect behavior; that will happen when a hub call fails.

Also, what happens if this code is moved to mob/Login()? In client/New() a lot of initialization is still being done with the mob, whereas at Login() you can be sure the client has fully logged in. Frankly I'm not even sure the older CheckPassport() mechanism will behave properly in client/New().
My response is -1. When I'm not hosting the game, it works, but when I am it won't work. I tried moving it and giving it spawn point. spawn(50). Still not working.
I got it to work when I did NOT gracefully shut itdown. However rebooting the server will make your subscription not work. So I got this to work by force shutdown.
Stephen001 changed status to 'Unverified'