In response to A.T.H.K
Still abuse in that, ATHK.
In response to Mysame
WHAAA? cry geeze as soon as someone miss looks something you allways there arn't you?
In response to A.T.H.K
That stil doesn't fix my problem... It still won't set the race variable to Healer. It remains a blank variable...
mob/create_character//a mob is a character
var/mob/character//the var, or difference is the character
if(src.banned ==1)
src<<"<B>You have been banned"
del src

var/charactername = input("Choose a name for your Character!","Character Name?",src.key)//message player is asked and gets to input characters name
var/characterage = input("How old is your Character?","Age?")
switch(input("Choose your class...Note, you can only choose this once...","Class?")in list("Healer","Mage","Ninja","Knight","Soldier","Thief"))
character = new /mob/characters/Healer()
src.race = "Healer"
src.verbs += /mob/Class/verb/Heal

It still does not set the race to Healer. If I could figure out why it won't change that var I'll have it finished...
In response to Legonian1
Ah, so this isn't the mob you want. I suggest in this situation that, after making "src" the first argument in all of your input statements, that you, instead of setting src.race and adding that verb to src.verbs, use character.race and character.verbs.

mob/create_character//a mob is a character
if(src.banned) // Use just if(var) and if(!var) to test booolean variables. ! literally means not.
src<<"<B>You have been banned"
del src

var/charactername = input(src, "Choose a name for your Character!","Character Name?",src.key)//message player is asked and gets to input characters name
var/characterage = input(src, "How old is your Character?","Age?")
switch(input(src, "Choose your class...Note, you can only choose this once...","Class?")in list("Healer","Mage","Ninja","Knight","Soldier","Thief"))
var/mob/characters/Healer/character = new
character.race = "Healer"
character.verbs += /mob/Class/verb/Heal
// You can also set other vars here, such as gender and name.
client.mob = character

Then you can handle anything from mob/charactacters, or mob/characters/Healer, where anything specific to Healer would belong to it's character type. You would no longer need to interact with create_character. Just be sure to use src in Login and all calls to procs from Login. (You should use src in procs anyways. Read the article I posted above)
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