This is mine:
Marriage(mob/M in world)
set category = "Family"
var/choice = input(M,"[M] will you marry [usr]?") in list("Yes","No","Already Married")
if(M == usr)
choice = "Cant"
if(choice == "Yes")
world << "<b><font color = red><B>[M] has just married [usr]!</B>"
usr.marry =
M.marry =
if(choice == "No")
usr << "<B>[M]: Sorry, I don't want to get married yet.</B>"
if(choice == "Already Married")
usr << "<B>[M]: Sorry, A relationship cannot happen! I am already married!.</B>"
if(choice == "Cant")
usr << "<B><font color=red>You cannot marry yourself stupid!</font></b>"
Divorce(mob/M in world)
set category = "Family"
if(M.marry == usr.marry)
var/choice = input(usr,"Are you sure you want to divorce your spouse?") in list("Yes","No")
if(choice == "Yes")
world << "<b><font color = red><B>[usr] has just gotten a divorce!</B>"
usr.marry = null
M.marry = null
if(choice == "No")
usr << "<B>[M]: Your spouce will be proud!.</B>"
alert(usr,"This person is not your spouse!","Divorce")
It doesn't work right..