Ok, first of all, get rid of the return, its not needed. Second, that was my fault in the misplacement of variables. Take out the mob/var/attacking from the spell code and place it somewhere outside of the code, or with the rest of you mob variables. That way you can use that one attacking verb in all your spells and attacks instead of repeatedly creating new ones. Meaning:
verb BoulderThrow() set category="EarthGod" var/obj/S=new/obj/GodBoulder S.loc=(usr.loc) S.damage=30 S.owner=usr usr.attacking = 1 walk(S,usr.dir,2) sleep(50) LvlCheck(usr) spawn(50) usr.attacking = 0 del S They still just go simultaneously. |
Wow, apparently I have to spell it out for you. *sigh* Add this after set category.
if(usr.attacking) |
No problem, but these 20+ replied topics are really getting annoying.
Tell you what, add me to your MSN or email me if you have a problem, so we can reduce these, ok? MSN/Email = [email protected] |
A term I've nicked from another board - well, technically, a Usenet discussion listy thing. A Loki troll is someone who pretends to be incredibly stupid and a member of whatever the generic 'worst social class' on the communications medium is, despite actually being much more intelligent then that and actually in the upper echelons. It's a psychology thing - screwing with people just because you can.
Jp wrote:
A term I've nicked from another board - well, technically, a Usenet discussion listy thing. A Loki troll is someone who pretends to be incredibly stupid and a member of whatever the generic 'worst social class' on the communications medium is, despite actually being much more intelligent then that and actually in the upper echelons. It's a psychology thing - screwing with people just because you can. Iam not sure about that in this case but hey he could be an olbie testing us on stupid and moronic questions? |
set category="EarthGod"
mob/var/attacking = 0
usr.attacking = 1
usr.attacking = 0
del S