radarrange = 38 //Increasing the range pretty much has a zoom out effect while decreasing it has a zoom in effect. I find 16 to be the most balanced.
radarupdate = 7 //This var is the amount of ticks it waits in between each radar update.

for(var/obj/HUD/Pointer/O in world) //delete every pointer object in the world.
del O
for(var/mob/M in world) // I've tried range(radarrange,M) for this instead of world. It made the radar behave very wierdly.
if(!M.client) continue
for(var/obj/dragonball/N in world)//range( radarrange ,M))
if(N.z != M.z) continue//Checks Z layer.
if(N == M) continue
//if( != continue //uncomment this line to make enemies NOT show up on radars
var/r = ((((N.x - M.x)**2)+((N.y - M.y)**2))**0.5) // This nasty piece is the distance formula. It gives me the distance between the two mobs.
if(round(r) > radarrange) continue// I use the distance and make sure it isn't more than 16 units away
var/obj/HUD/Pointer/O = new()
var/x = (N.x - M.x) * round(48/round(radarrange))
var/y = (N.y - M.y) * round(48/round(radarrange))
M.client.screen += O

//if( == O.icon_state = "ally" //This makes use of a mob var to change the icon of the "Pointer objects."
//else O.icon_state = "enemy"
O.icon_state = "ally"
O.pixel_x = x
O.pixel_y = y
O.screen_loc = "WEST+1:[O.pixel_x],NORTH-1:[O.pixel_y]" // This part just makes the pointers move around on all 9 tiles of the radar
if(get_dir(M,N) == NORTHEAST)
O.pixel_x -= 32
O.pixel_y -= 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST+2:[O.pixel_x],NORTH:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == SOUTHWEST)
O.pixel_x += 32
O.pixel_y += 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST:[O.pixel_x],NORTH-2:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == SOUTHEAST)
O.pixel_x -= 32
O.pixel_y += 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST+2:[O.pixel_x],NORTH-2:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == NORTHWEST)
O.pixel_x += 32
O.pixel_y -= 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST:[O.pixel_x],NORTH:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == NORTH)
O.pixel_y -= 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST+1:[O.pixel_x],NORTH:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == SOUTH)
O.pixel_y += 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST+1:[O.pixel_x],NORTH-2:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == WEST)
O.pixel_x += 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST:[O.pixel_x],NORTH-1:[O.pixel_y]"
if(get_dir(M,N) == EAST)
O.pixel_x -= 32
O.screen_loc = "WEST+2:[O.pixel_x],NORTH-1:[O.pixel_y]"
//world<<"[N]:[N.x],[N.y]. Range:[r]. Dist:[get_dist(M,N)]. Me:[M.x],[M.y]"//debug message

spawn(radarupdate) radarupdate() //restart the loop!

Ive been using darksabers Radar Demo and ive tryed making it into a 10 by 10 radar for a bigger range but i cant figure out how. A point in the right direction and an explination of which line makes it 3x3 and how it works would be appreaciated, or if u want u can just do it for me. :)

I figured out how to increase the size but now i need to figure out how to make the pointer appear in the middle of the screen.
In response to Kidbuu001
You might wanna think twice about using radar because it lags your game down alot.
In response to Drakiel
its for a stationary object so it barely needs to refresh.

The radar its self will be an item, a rare one at that anyway.

Anyway i got it working.