world<<"flag: 1"
world<<"flag: 2"
n=input(usr,"Drop how many?","Drop") as null|num
world<<"flag: 3"
world<<"flag: 4"
world<<"flag: 5"
world<<"flag: 6"

Problem description:
Stops after "flag: 2" without throwing up an input.

As I see it there could be 2 little errors...

while(!n), would mean once n is true, the while would stop. So if you enter in a num, it'd stop, right?

Second is, what I've noticed, if that's in a Click() proc, null|num would automaticly return null.

Then again, it might be something waaay else >.>
In response to Mysame
while(!n), would mean once n is true, the while would stop. So if you enter in a num, it'd stop, right?

Right, but it'd have to wait until the loop finishes. So it won't happen right away.

Second is, what I've noticed, if that's in a Click() proc, null|num would automaticly return null.

It's a verb.
Whoop, problem fixed. I opened a new DS window and it worked out fine. That's odd, because I didn't move the input window on the previous DS window. Strange bug I suppose.