Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Redundant

This feature has already been implemented, or is already achievable with existing methods.
I don't know if this feature already exists, but can you retrieve a list of subscribed players in-game?
This is doable. When a client connects, use IsSubscribed() to check if they are a subscriber. If true, place the client in a list of clients who are aubscribed, maybe something like list/subscriber_list.

if (IsSubscribed())
subscriber_list |= src

var/list/subscriber_list = new/list()

I am on my mobile phone atm, so that is not compiled.
Guess that would work. Thanks.
In response to Makeii
That should actually be world.IsSubscribed(src) instead. Also, I'm not sure this will always be reliable in client/New() if you don't have a key yet, but if you do have a key it might not have passport info and will be forced to rely on a hub call. A better choice for checking subscription status is waiting till mob/Login(), where most of your init stuff should be done.
Higoten resolved issue (Redundant)