Everytime I try to host my game i get a Message saying
BYOND Error: Bad world.
My code is fine, its the map that is the problem. I have a theory that the map might not be allowed to exceed 1 megabyte in size. If this is true, then would it be possible to make users go from .dmp to .dmp as though they were Z levels?
Jul 7 2006, 12:05 am
F0lak wrote:
Everytime I try to host my game i get a Message saying That's actually how multiple maps work. As for a size restriction, I don't know about 1 MB. I do know that 5 million turfs is generally considered the upper feasible limit for a map, but the real limit may be higher or lower depending on the machine. The true upper limit--for all turfs in the world, not just per map--is 224, which is well over 16 million. Lummox JR |
And yes, have 2 maps, would be like having 2 Z(on acount that you only have 1 Z per map)
Try "Clean Compile".