        Revive(mob in world)
set category="Admin"
if (GMLockCheck())
usr<<"<font color=red>Your Admin Powers Are Locked."
return //This is the line with the error
if (src.dead == 0)
src<<"<font color =gray>You can't revive somebody that isnt dead."
var/talk = input("<font color = White>[] wants to revive you, do you want to be revived []?</font>") in list ("I want to be revived","I don't want to be revived")

if("I want to be revived")
src.powerlevel = src.powerlevel_max
src.overlays -= src.halo
src.overlays -= src.halo
src.overlays -= src.halo
src.overlays -= halo
src.overlays -= halo
src.overlays -= halo
src.loc = locate(77,78,1) = 0
src.dead = 0

if("I don't want to be revived")
src<<"<font color =gray> [] did not want to be revived."

Problem description:
i get this error:

System\Admin\AJX's Admin expression

for the line that i specified in the code
The indentation of the very first line and for line 909 (the next return statement after the one you marked) is off. That later return statement is indented one too far.
Those if() statements are wrong at the end of your code. It's unrelated to the immediate error you have, but it's still a problem. if() doesn't take a straight value like that unless you put it in a switch() block. Otherwise, if("...") will be interpreted as if(true), which will always succeed. The other if() will also succeed, so your character will be revived, and then will be told that you did not want to be revived.

Lummox JR