Descriptive Problem Summary:
I've recently encountered a gigantic BYOND pager issue where if I login, I immediately crash as I load the friend list. Anyway, this is due to having way too many friends. The only way to fix this is by emptying your friend list.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Have a massive amount of friends on pager. Log off, log on.
Expected Results:You use pager fine.
Actual Results:Crash the moment the BYOND pager alerts you of an the friends online or BYOND goes unresponsive with high usage of CPU(Usually goes up to 40% for me~)
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?First time, happened to me in the past then I hid offline friends, however, that is no longer an option.
In other games?
In other user accounts?
On other computers?Yes on all computers I've tried this on (2 windows 8 OS)
When does the problem NOT occur?When you don't have a gigantic amount of friends
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
Workarounds:Buy a BYOND membership to get the website pager then eliminate the extra amount of friends.
Note:Also, the very first time this occured, BYOND wouldn't even login. This kept on happening till I deleted cfg. However, after emptying friend list, I put the old cfg back in and it was all smooth.
---OLD POST---
I've recently encountered a gigantic BYOND pager issue where if I login, I immediately crash as I load the friend list. Anyway, this is due to having way too many friends. The only way to fix this is by emptying your friend list.
How do you do that if you can't login? Welp. You need BYOND membership. I had over 200+ Friends and I understand why this issue happens. I hope BYOND creates a workaround for this issue.
If you are a BYOND member, go to the atom icon near My account, hit on pager and empty your friendlist. I had to purchase a Membership just to fix this issue. I don't mind spending that little money; however, some people can't afford to, which is why this issue needs to be dealt with.
Dec 16 2013, 3:22 pm (Edited on Dec 16 2013, 7:25 pm)
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Dec 16 2013, 4:07 pm
Moving this to BYOND Bugs because 1) Friends crash is a bug and 2) Membership shouldn't be required to edit the friendlist via the website (must be legacy code).
You don't get the 'Pager' Command next to 'Favorites' if you're not a BYOND member when you hit the atom.
Lummox JR's theory is that it doesn't have to do so much with the size of the list as particular users causing an issue (probably by their location somehow mucking up the local db storage). We're going to test with a friends list of everyone online to see if we can reproduce this.
It could be due to having tons of conversions with someone, or heck maybe a lot of status updates? There are a lot of possibilities. Also, the very first time this occured, BYOND wouldn't even login. This kept on happening till I deleted cfg. However, after emptying friend list, I put the old cfg back in and it was all smooth.
I added this to main post as well just now. Sorry. |
Please try the latest beta release, 502.1220 and let us know if the problem is fixed.
Sadly, I can't do that anymore as I emptied my friend list using the BYOND online pager.
I took out the resolution message because that kind of thing impacts release notes.
Ah okay. Will go over the things I've resolved this evening and update accordingly.
It's only a problem when there's a resolved version (other than "web") as well as a message. If either is blank it's not an issue.