Ok let's discuss it. What do you want to see in a 2D mmo. Lets make the most amazing idea here. Feel free to share your ideas for a perfect 2D NARUTO mmo.
First three topics
Combat System
Ranking System
NPC System
![]() Dec 16 2013, 2:04 pm
![]() Dec 16 2013, 2:15 pm
Why does it have to be Naruto?
Well if you're making a fan game, you should probably stick to the roots of Naruto like so:
Combat SystemJutsu and considerably infinite or close infinite chakra. If not, then make Jutsu cost little to no chakra or have high chakra regeneration. Ranking SystemAcademy Student, Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, Kage. You can add Missing Nin to the list. Ranks shouldn't determine a players ability ( see: Naruto - Genin ). NPC SystemTricky, but I guess you could have a Ramen Stand guy who occasionally sells Ramen. I can't think of much, really. I guess have them give missions and such depending on your rank. |
So.. Uh.. Just get an existing source? Even though they're all poorly done, I don't know of a source to a Naruto-fan that doesn't include those, granted I don't really look for or at them so I could be wrong and look like a double a-hole. Once for already being one and again for being wrong.
Instead of picking the village and the clan you get spawned in a random village and a random clan making it more realistic feeling and also the kyubbi instead of making everyone have kyuubi only one 9 people in each server can have a kyuubi since there is only 9. Instead of making it a PVE make it a PVP fully since who like to fight with NPCS in a game that was created for stragety and power. The kages are now chosen by admins(I don't know why they ever did this) the kages have to be voted on by the bravery and the citizens.
Instead of having overpowered players make it that when a person dies by a strong player the person that was killed will have take a little of power from the player who killed it making it less overpowered PVP and fun. The combat system should have a mixure of jutsus and attacks the person who has the most stragety and uses the best mixure does more damage. The ranking system -- no comment. The NPC system should be the people that are selling things and stuff no combat with the NPC system you want to make it as enjoyable as possible with other players for the people in your server will invite other people |
I haven't seen many RPGs that don't let you attack NPCs. Good luck with that, friend.
Players voting works to an extent, but you have to have someone oversee it or some random person is going be voted into power. |
None? All of them have pretty much the same features. Some have that horrible village influence system.
All of the fan games on BYOND are terrible and it's highly doubtful that yours will be any better. Sorry, I mean no offense, but everyone who's ever said, "Well, I know I can do it better!" has never once done it better.
Lugia319 wrote: Why does it have to be Naruto? My thoughts exactly, why? What is it about any of the Naruto games that makes you think it's a good idea to make one? Making another Naruto game is like competing in the Special Olympics. The phrase, "Make an original game instead." should probably be BYOND's motto at this point, to be perfectly honest, but it's not bad advice. Games don't have to be complex, and if you're a novice game developer trying to build an MMO (Minor Multiplayer Online, good luck with any "massively") game, then you're just setting yourself up for failure. I know it sounds unlikely to you because you probably have this big, grand idea about how this game is going to turn out, but it's just not going to happen. We've all been there, we've all had that feeling. It just didn't happen. (Except for Silk Wizard, but we don't talk about him... ;) ) |
Want it to be original?
Don't take a source from one of the other games, make your own. Or, for something that hasn't been done? Make a side-scrolling beat-em-up style game, like the console game minigames but in 2D. no offense but the phrase 'it's been overdone' would be an understatement. |
I am sorry, but I am going to have to echo Solomn and KingCold on this one. Even if you did somehow manage to make it pretty good, I wouldn't be too happy about it because it's still an overdone concept. They may all suck, but there is so much Naruto on BYOND, and 'new' stuff popping up almost daily; so any time I see the word Naruto anywhere on BYOND that's usually enough to annoy and/or disappoint me.
That IS how overdone it is. It's just too much. People need to let the series rest. It's great that you are motivated, and want to make a game, but it does Not need to be Naruto. Just figure out what you like most about Naruto, I.E: lots of awesome elemental abilities, and then make your own to put in the game along with all your other ideas. Think it won't work? Just look at Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, and Soul Eater. They're each pretty similar to each other in some ways, but they're also each different enough to be their own IP with their own stuff. |
There has to be some naruto games that have unique gameplay aspects. Just name a few you may have seen.
When was the last time I saw a naruto game without macro training, hmmm... Or that wasn't ridiculously balanced around uchihas being all powerful... or didn't have cheap homing skills (homing skills are cheap, just saiyan)...
I find that the naruto games on here have no heart, and the pockie ninja one I know about online is just a money making scam. These people didn't want to make a game to make a game, they wanted to make naruto. Which is fully within their creative license, but they lost sight of the game within the naruto. Like the mmo scene on the internet right now, naruto games on byond are mostly clones (either in rip or attribute). Maybe that wasn't their intention, but it turns out that way. |
Holy crap pokie ninja got some interesting stuff going on.
http://ninja.game321.com/gameguides/ In the mean time while I check this out... What are you guys ideas for a disguise system? |
Pockie Ninja is not interesting at all lol. The battles are preorchestrated. I wouldn't recommend it at all.
BabyDwarfWritingScrubAgent wrote:
There has to be some naruto games that have unique gameplay aspects. Just name a few you may have seen. There are literally NONE. The people with the talent to develop a game above the quality of the common Naruto rabble are the people who develop original games. Fan games are typically left to the novice developers who look at the most common games on BYOND and say, "Yeah, they must be really popular!" It's actually quite sad, because no matter how many times we tell new designers that making a fan game is a horrible, awful idea, they don't listen. They always think they're smarter than the people who've been doing it for years. Everyone likes to think they're the intuitive ones and the ones who are head-over-heels better than everyone else at game design. These are also the same people who won't tell the staff of a project what kind of game it is for fear of them stealing the idea. Lol. |
I wouldn't that there's anything wrong with making a fan game. Making a game is exercising creative license after all. If I want to draw mustaches on Tom and Jerry and make a game about them trying to remove their mustaches, that's perfectly acceptable, even though you'd say it is "a horrible, awful idea".
What do you want to see in a 2D mmo. Lets make the most amazing idea here. Feel free to share your ideas for a perfect 2D NARUTO mmo.
Next three topics Disguise System A Death System Mini Games |