by EnvyAttraction
Roleplay or shut up!
Yeah, so. Kanadian has been one of the few admins who's been making me feel purely unwelcome, and has shown me 0 respect and expected me to respect them. I was banned for pointing out their bullshit, making me feel unwanted AS FUCK, breaking rule 3 of admin rules. He sure, told me to take an issue to here, but guess what. I was making comments about an entirely different issue. Are everyone so blind that plays byond? I don't have to show you respect worth shit if you don't respect me. And oh, wah. I wouldn't stop bitching about how admins have been breaking rules, so I got banned. Congratulations on showing my fucking point you scumbag.

I was banned on Katende, and I expect that something will be done. 23 hour ban for a staff member breaking staff rule 3 5 and 6. I feel real welcomed by Kanadian who obviously thought a mute was not worth it. Booted me first. Real fucking funny. Solve this shit.
This is the rundown of the final moments before the ban.

Bitch about how admins have abused on me
Banned for not respecting a disrespectful admin who thinks me complaining about the exact same shit that he just did is worth getting reported for.

Don't respect me? No respect back. Simple as that. When I call you admins out on abuse? Don't tell me to shut up. There was no consensus, and there was no large number of the populous asking for my punishment. I annoyed you, simple as that.

staff rule 5.

You can *not* take action against a player that is annoying you, and you alone. To take action against a player, there must be a general consensus among staff or a large amount of people asking for action to be taken.

Nobody asked for action to be taken, nor was it even about the same shit you told me to stop. Kanadian acted entirely out of line.