In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Lummox is one of the staff that works on the source code of the compiler. Coupled with the fact that he has a masters degree in computer science, if I remember correctly, I'm infinitely certain he knows more about what he's talking about than you do.

For the record, I have two associates degrees. The rest of what you said is certainly true, though. Anyway Falacy is only posting on this thread for the sake of flaming; he doesn't have a valid point.

Lummox JR
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
*still doesnt undertsand y byond has forums if youre not even alowed to post on them, how stupid can u get*

you dont see me closing topics on my forums because they got too many posts, thatd just be dumb! now granted this topic has gone rather off topic... but eh! *waits to be bant... again*

It's not so much that you're posting a bit off-topic, but that your posts are useless and flamey and obviously you're doing it solely for that reason. If your goal is for the forums to be closed to you, I'm sure someone will be happy to oblige, but it'd be much better if you did something constructive.

Lummox JR
In response to digitalmouse
Thanks digital. They did help me fix the code though. Although Lummux jr. was trying to help me, and I appriciate it, I see where the flame came from because I hate that he makes it seem like he knows everything. Now Lummox, I appriciate all that you do for BYOND but I just thought I'd give my 2 cents. Lummox was trying to help me,and although I disagree with what he originally said, he still helped me. Still yet some douche-bag has to come flaming people :( I would like to thank digital mouse for that bannishment xD
In response to CYN
CYN wrote:
I hate that he makes it seem like he knows everything.

I can see why pointing that out comes off as if Lummox is just posting to show off that he's smart or to belittle you, but his response is probably the most important in this thread (especially considering you figured out your original problem yourself later on).

Structure is one of the most important things in programming. I'd rank knowing how to structure your code well above knowing a programming language. It seems like a bunch of crap when you're starting out, but when you don't know where to attach procs and vars you find yourself re-writing entire systems later down the track when making what would normally be very basic additions.
I used to do this all the time. I'd write something up, then when I'd go to add another system down the track later on I'd be forced to re-write chunks everywhere and my program would really suffer for it.

When you structure your code correctly programming a game (or anything else) is a million times easier. It's like a bullet-time fight scene.
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