Okay, I made an object that u can throw (athame)

I got no problems with the way it works, its just that when it bumps to something it does few things (that work) and it checkes if the targets.power <= 0, if so it calls the monsterdeathcheck
                if(M.power <= 0)

And basically all that MonsterDeathCheck does is tell the user that he killed the monster.
        MonsterDeathCheck(mob/M as mob)
if(src.power <= 0 )
M<<"You killed [src]"

But it doesnt tell me a thing... help? :D
Try placing Markers in the code. Put something like "src << "Blah"" every so often, to see how far it's getting, find out where it stops, and then look there for your problem.
There are two problems here.

One is that you should not have a separate proc for player and monster death checks; the same proc should handle both. You can override it if need be, but it should be the same proc.

The other problem is that in the death check, M is apparently not a mob or client. If, in the calling proc, src.owner was just a name, or it was never set up, that would be the problem.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
src.owner == Souloron (not name, ref)
In response to Pakbaum
After I hit the mob, and hes pwoer became -40 (means M.power -= damage does work) it still wont tell me u just killed it...

                if(M.power <= 0)
src.owner<<"u just killed it"
src.owner<<"u just killed it2"

I have absoloutly no idea why, event if he isnt monster it should still tell me I killed it...
src.owner does work, becuase I tried putting it at the first line of bump and it did tell me u just hit it...
In response to Souloron
NVM fixed...
Because of the spawn, it deleted the object b4 it could even call the proc... so instead I did the spawn inside the proc, so it can delete the object before sleeping for a minute.