hub = "Drakiel.MFYP" //line
name = "(( MFYP ))"
world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>World started up on: [time2text(world.realtime)]"
world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>World shutdown on: [time2text(world.realtime)]"

Problem description:

this is the only world branch i have in my coding; the problem is that when i add a world.hub, for some reason the game shuts down. when i remove the line - it runs fine. this has never happened and i get no errors what so ever. anyone know why?
I just ran your code and it works fine.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
obvisouly my code is perfect; so i guess its something else in my coding. i dont have any other world branches so idk what it oculd be.