Alright Steven, here it is, you shouldnt have to mess with the Bump proc... Unless you see that the stacking problem is in the Bump proc, but it probably isnt...
Save() // This is the proc that saves the player
var/savefile/F = new("Save/[src.ckey]") // This creates a new file called your key.sav in the file Save
F["last_x"] << src.x// This stuff saves the players location
F["last_y"] << src.y
F["last_z"] << src.z
Write(F) // This Writes the file
if(fexists("Save/[src.ckey]")) // This checks if they player has a savfile
var/savefile/F = new("Save/[src.ckey]")
Read(F) // This reads the file!
F["last_x"] >> src.x
F["last_y"] >> src.y
F["last_z"] >> src.z
alert("You do not have any characters on this server.")
Problem description:
Lummox JR