Lets say, I want to make a verb that changes ur form into a mob in oview...
It's all fine and I did it, works great except for 1 thing... When it does that, usr.oldicon = usr.icon (of course when u revert, usr.icon = usr.oldicon) BUT! I made a list for the overlays
usr.Overlays = null
for(var/L in usr.overlays)
usr.Overlays += L
usr.overlays = null
and when u revert
usr.overlays = null
for(var/L in usr.Overlays)
usr.overlays += L
usr.Overlays = null
But when I change my form back to my orig, my icon changes back and all but I dont get my old overlays... (I also didnt check if I get the mob's overlays when I form change into him...) so my question is, how I do it, so it keeps ur overlays somewhere for future use?
One method is:
Also, don't make <code>usr.Overlays = null</code> if you are using it as a list, it can give you problems in hwich you don't want. Instead, use <code>usr.Overlays = list()</code> so the variable's value is understood as a list rather than as a null type.
However, someone else please verify me :/
Another option is to make an overlay-add/minus procedure which adds the overlays in the usr.overlays and a same copy in usr.Overlays but that can be a bit troublesome.
And I hope that is from a verb and not a mob/proc (the use of usr within that is).
Edit: I forgot the most simplest method ever >_<
- GhostAnime