world << "<b><font size=3>If you are here please say somthing in ooc to prove that you are here!"
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.Realplayer == 1)
M.isAFK = 1
world << "<b><font size =3>Last Chance to say somthing."
world << "<b>5"
world << "<b>4"
world << "<b>3"
world << "<b>2"
world << "<b>1"
for(var/mob/A in AFK)
world << "[] was booted for being AFK!"
Problem description: Um yea..AFK boot..kind ned one game is getin bigger and with that more EZers and paperweighters...I thought i had a system developed to boot those guys But for some reason the verb ends after the first part.."talk in ooc to prve u are here"..yea well when i attempted to use it, it comes up with a failed proc and cannot access list, but no errors when i compile it. Not sure why can someone help me?
1) if(M.Realplayer == 1)
This, to me, seems like a boolean type of variable. Click here to read about Boolean safety/shortcuts
2) AFK:Add(M)
Do not abuse the :, use typecast (. -> At least I think that was the name).. and make sure you defined the variable as a list (and made it as a list and NOT a null as well: <code>var/list/AFK[0]</code>
3) M.isAFK = 1
Useless variable, I do not see it being used.
4) mob/Admin/verb
Use datum's instead: Admin/verb
5) <tags>
You are not closing your tags, bad programmer :P
6) Countdown
You could've shortened down the countdown timing from 5 to one:
7) Your boot:
You simply bot out everyone in the AFK list. Now I do not know if you check + remove the people if they reply but you haven't used that tmp variable as well... so yeah...
- GhostAnime