mob/var/say_delay = 0

mob/verb/OOC(T as text)
set category = "Commands"
L = list("font size")

if(src.muted == 1)
src << "You have been muted!"

if(src.say_delay >= 3)
alert("Flood Supression: You must wait 8 seconds before using OOC again.")
src.muted = 1

for(var/X in L)
alert("You may not change your font size.")

alert("Your message may not be blank.")

if(lentext(T) > 750)
spawn() alert("Your message can not exceed 750 characters.")
T = copytext(T,1,750)
world << {"<pre><strong><font color="#000066">{<font color="#FFFFFF"><font face = verdana>[src.title]<font color="#000066">}</font></font></font></strong></pre> [] OOC:<font color = #CCCCCC> [s_smileys(T)]"}

Problem description:
i cant make it correct

Digifais wrote:
Problem description:
i cant make it correct

That's not a description; you didn't tell us anything about what's going on with your code that shouldn't be. If you want help, you need to provide details.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
You really should use a proc for that.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
Xx Dark Wizard xX wrote:
You really should use a proc for that.

I have no idea what you're on about there, but it can't possibly be right. Although the original poster didn't specify what's actually going wrong, clearly he wants OOC to be a verb.

And you responded to the wrong person, at that. What you said makes no sense in respect to my post, and for the original post it just shows you didn't even read it first. Granted there's no real way anyone can help him without him actually telling us the problem, but a completely random suggestion doesn't do anyone any good.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I meant use a proc for that, so you do not need to repeat the code for all his verbs. Because most likely he has the same stuff for say and such.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
the code dont work and i want it work.
In response to Digifais
How, explain why it does not work, what errors do you recieve ?
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
I doubt he wrote that code. That's why he is being so vague...
In response to Bobthehobo
i dont write that code.
Its work,i have no errors buti get on my game,i click OOC and it doestnt work.
In response to Digifais
Then it obviously doesn't work. Delete whosever source code that is and read the DM Guide.
In response to Popisfizzy
from what i see, its an elysium rip or something like that.