Keywords: 2006
It really is funny how people can think they can hide their identity by making another key and slandering me with it. Such a pitty IP traces exist.

Sorry Vertex, but your attempt to slander me and hide behind the alias "BuddyJr" has failed. The IP trace points straight to you and it has been confirmed by people up stairs.

Next time, if you're going to try it, use a different computer. It -might- just work.
Ooo, someone got busssssted.
Yep. He thought he could actually get away with logging into IU (reccords key and IP) and impersonate me. As well as come to my very own blog and insult me.

Such ignorance. Some days, I almost pity him. Then I realise. I really dislike him.
4) Shut The Hell Up It's Getting Old Already For Crying Out Loud!

Or if you like acronyms, STHUIGOAFCOL. :)
Yes, one of your friends.
Sorry, but "one of your friends" doesn't cut it. That is no different to "it was my sister" or "it was my brother" (You've tried those before too.)
Sorry mate. But you just failed, baddly.
As for the "tiberath.bmp" on your members site. I have this to say:

You say you'll never return to IU. Yet less then a few seconds ago, Staff from IU just banned you.
Sorry, but when Administration prove you are BuddyJr. You can not hide. Take your lies and slander elseware. You foiled little tossbag.
Yes it wasn't you, it was your friend. So tell me this, "Vertexty," why does he have the same kind of key as you:

Why does he type the same as you.
Sentences are attempted to be put together right but still are quite difficult to read.

Why is it that your keys are linked by BYOND:
Requested to know keys of BuddyJr to find out who he was and what he has a vandetta against me.
The results were, Vertex.

Why did he know to target me?
His first actions were to login to IU and start taking shots at me, when I wasn't even online.

How did he know to come here and insult me?
Came here after I had banned him and insulted me.

Now, either your friend has been stalking me for a long ass time, or he is someone who has a grudge against me. Which would be you.

Why do the IP traces point directaly to you?

You can't hide the truth, my so very moronic rivel. All the evidence points to you. If you had just stayed the hell away, then I wouldn't be going at you now. But aparentaly, you don't learn.
Man, this is fun to read. As The Byond Turns, or Byonds Of Our Lives. :D
Ok I deleted my comments I'm tired of this, I don't wanna start anything. Cause It's a waste of my time and others have fun wasting your time.
He brought it apon himself, that's all I have to say. If he hadn't started trying to insult me using another alias, then I wouldn't be sending him on his way with his tail between his legs.

Maybe now, he'll understand the whole "leave me alone and I'll leave him alone" thing. I was doing pretty well until now. But nope, he had to rurin it.

Ok I deleted my comments I'm tired of this, I don't wanna start anything. Cause It's a waste of my time and others have fun wasting your time.

Told you. Tail between his legs. It's the last resort of anyone who has been beaten. Delete comments and clame the other is wrong. I encounter it so often now, it just doesn't work.
Tiberath, Why is it he is choosing to harass someone who has him schooled?

Vertex man i "use" to respect you.

Now i just plain think you are retarded.
Because I'm the one who saw his dream of Icon Ultima moderation destroyed.

He wanted to baddly to moderate it, and I made sure that never happened.

I can go into a long winded story if you want. I remember it plane as day. <.<
I want to hear the story.
Oh ya i remember "YinYangMoon"

Please. :) I love reading about stuff like this.
Well, it was the fall of a fair while ago. I'd say around about the time the "Vertex" key was regestered, was the time we'd chased YingYangMoon completely off the scene.

-Sonic Jr Saga-

You see, I was only about... 4 - 5 months into the whole moderation deal. Icon Ultima was my first ever -serious- role as a moderator. So, being thrown into a position of power on such a popular game, was quite hard by on me. But I soon got the hang of it. The days then and before are classed as the "glory days."
Before the dark times, before... Sonic Jr.
Anyways, I was going along, and I found a small lot of spam building crap. Not much. So I deleted it. Of coarse the owner had a bitch at me for it. But that's nothing abnormal.

Anyways, a week or two after that. Spam had been becomming more and more noticibal. And because Mobius was the only user who had access to the Wiznet Database (as flawed as that version was) it was hard to know who did it. Never-the-less. It was proven to be Sonic Jr.

There had also been increasing reports of a host who was banning innocent users for doing nothing but going about their business (we lost several players of our user base to rivel icon games because of this.) Ticking us off, we decided to find out who it was. Naturally, it was Sonic Jr. So we all saw to his banning. This must have left him bitter. But never the less, he was banned.

-YinYangMoon Saga-

Now the juicy stuff begins. This young lass (female gender) appears shortly after Sonic Jr had been sent on his non-mary way. A couple of the staff had assumed it was Sonic Jr, due to matching IP range. But most of us had decided to give this new commer a chance. On the mistake it wasn't. We were very foolish.
For about two months this user had tried to cram her way into our respect.
Most of us saw through her ploys. It was version 95.2 actually (current stable release... my god that's old now =/) that we finally banned YingYangMoon. But that's jumping the gun.
She used the method of "I love you -insert staff member name here-" and "-insert staff member name here- you're not like the other mods, you don't abuse like they do.-" Trying to wizzel her way into our ranks. But she failed. I, already having Sonic Jr on my MSN list, noticed that, both YingYangMoon and Sonic Jr had identical User names. "13 more days until my birthday!"
Then, using other proof, insult types/typing stiyles/IP ranges/what have you. I got to personally see the end of YingYangMoon and Sonic Jr forever. >.>
This was about the time, we invented the "Blacklist" of players. This was also spurred from the creation of the "Tibsaprick" key, from another user who -had- a vandetta against me. Far as I know, that user was banned for impersonation keys and being a jackass.

-Vertex Saga-

Now we move to the creation of my Story Telling game.
This was an idea I stole from Game Spy Arcades parlor game called "YAWN."
Having always loved that game, but put off it because GSA is crap and all the users were tossbags who only wrote of sex and Michael Jackson. I decided to make it here. And I did so. Vertex took this idea, stole as much of the entire thing as he could. Game Design, ideas, thoughts and what-have-you. Right down to the layout of the stat panels. Call the creation "Joke Telling" and clamed it as orignal work. This pissed me off to grand extremes. My creation, hadn't even been on the hub 24 hours before someone had ripped it off. I decided to find out who this person was. Naturally, being as dense as Vertex is. He had done a quizz on his Members blog and put his real name on it. "Danny" thus giving him away.
And I did then as I have done just before. I "schooled" him good and proper.

After all these events had taken place, he has made a strong effort to both:
A: Make me look bad in the eyes of the public.
B: Slander me at every chance he got.

That's a very warped almost 4am version of the Story at least. I'll do my best to rewrite it tomorry.
Yes, that is what this is -all- about. He is pissy because I made sure he never got a moderator job on an Icon Game. And I still am glad we never let him onboard.
Yeah, the Vertex saga needs a bit of work. Other than that, it was pretty good. It was suspenseful :D
Lol YinYangMoon also dated two guys on ChaoChatterz.

HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH. You know that Snowfox guy? Yeah, that's so not me. We have the same address but he lives...uh...In my closet. It's not me, seriously guys. Come on, stop being pricks. That's not me.


(And for those of you who would probably believe that, "Here's your sign".)
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