var/mob/M = src.Target
var/D = get_dir(src.loc,M.loc)
src.dir = D
if(src.dir == NORTH)
src.Direction = "North"
if(src.dir == SOUTH)
src.Direction = "South"
if(src.dir == EAST)
src.Direction = "East"
if(src.dir == WEST)
src.Direction = "West"
if(src.dir == SOUTHWEST)
src.Direction = "SouthWest"
if(src.dir == SOUTHEAST)
src.Direction = "SouthEast"
if(src.dir == NORTHEAST)
src.Direction = "NorthEast"
if(src.dir == NORTHWEST )
src.Direction = "NorthWest"
Problem description:
I have a quest system where I want it to display the direction a player should head in rather than the exact cords of the target the player is hunting, is there a way to make it disply the direction the player must head in inorder to find the target?
You would "have" to do something similar to this.
Thats not perfect, considering you may want to make a range for the Cardinal directions. Maybe you wanted to make North be 2 blocks to the right and left of you and up, you would have to change it around.