![]() Jul 1 2006, 11:13 am
Another question: Will there be a max to each primary stat? Even if it wouldn't be practical, it would seem kinda weird to see a guy with only 250 Intelligence, or something.
BigDaddy, I never flamed anyone yet, moron. You just flamed me in a very idiotic way that made your ignorance shine like a thousand suns. The system itself is very a like in terms with Cabal, I wasn't talking about just the looks. Most of your post seemed like a mindless rant. So you lose by default, besides I am looking forward to this game, BYOND hasn't had any really good rpgs in a while. The only thing I think can touch this is Maeva.
Oh and since when does "It'll go you farther in life." make sense. And you had the nerve to call me an idiot. Kids these days...first ones to shoot off at the mouth. |
Oh and since when does "It'll go you farther in life." make sense. And you had the nerve to call me an idiot. Uh...he was making fun of you because you said that first. |
Lord of light, as Sarm said, I was making fun of you. If you actually looked at what you type maybe you'd realize it. Also as a matter of fact, you did start the flaming by saying that "maybe if DW was somewhat decent at the game he'd know that" implying that he is in no way decent and therefore sucks, which is a flame. And why did you bring that up anyways? I didn't once say you had flamed anyone (even though you did). You keep bringing up useless points that no one is trying to argue, just like the whole, "WoW has grinding." I wouldn't be surprised if your next post had something like, "BigDaddy, the sky is blue so shut up." Also, if my last post was a mindless rant then I guess that's just too bad. I was bringing up logical, valid points and arguing them, that doesn't seem like a rant to me. It also doesn't seem like a very idiotic way to flame you. Everything I said made perfect sense and was directly tied to the topic at hand. I was just proving you wrong.
The fact that you're saying I'm losing something just proves how immature you really are. What are you winning? What am I losing? I never knew this was a sort of competition. The only thing I lost was the idiot race; you won by a mile. A few last things. Once again no one was arguing that you're looking forward to this game. Most of us are. And just because you were talking about the whole system and not just the looks doesn't negate my point. It's not the interface and system that makes an RPG, it's the story. AA has it's own, unique story that sets it apart from every other game. Therefore it's its own game completely different from every other one. The only thing is while playing AA you might experience the story in the same way as another game, but the story will still be different. The last thing is that you're just making yourself look like an ass. You should've seriously known that coming onto here and immediately starting slamming the system will get you attacked. If you don't have that much common sense you shouldn't even be allowed on the internet. No one minds constructive criticism but when it's just, "DIS GAME EXACT SAME. OLD NEWZ!!1!" people get pissed off at that and you'll get flamed. So before you just make yourself look even worse, I suggest you just drop this whole thing and let this topic get back on track to the positive feedback (or constructive criticism) like it's supposed to be. Have a nice day now mmk. |
BigDaddy, and Lord
It seems your both looking for a flame war why don't you go have it somewhere else, It is rediculous to go around starting, and continuing arguments on peoples blogs its a waste of our great BYOND's space. I kindly request you: Stop. |
It's obvious you're trying to stop flame wars. I dissatisfiedly request you: Stop stopping flame wars. P.S. I used more html tags than you! My statement holds more strength! |
... God.
Flame wars have no place in here, and they're what keep getting huge chunks of the comments axed and locked. It's pathetic that not only do people on BYOND start this kind of crap, but that they also don't really understand that it's bad. |
SilkWizard shows us his awesome new game and all he gets in return is a stupid pointless flame war on his comments? Grow up already, both of you. You should be ashamed.
Normally, I would be a complete jerk and flame the everloving hell out of you for even making an ATTEMPT at me. But since BD already did that, and all you're managing to do is make yourself look more and more like an idiot. I'll just point and laugh at you and be on my way.
Also, learn who you're talking to before you flame them, I've played cabal, the game is horrible, I went to level 20. It's nothing new, same korean MMO, different game maker. You point, you click, you spam skills until the monster dies. That is all there is to it. P.S. - Thats my last post silk, sorry for the flamming going on here, but I deffinately had to get that out of my system after watching this guy attempt to flame me. |
I orginally was worried that silk's mastery system would just be like FFO's skill system where you train skills to get the others (you could be a lvl 50 Black wizard with the basic spells technically), combining to make skills is cool, reminds me of another RPG I used to play, but I can't remember which, was a PSX game.
Oh, and Skies of Arcadia kicks ass, but I missed a chest hat you cannot go back and get so I can't get 100% on the game now. The Gamecube's extras are pretty nice, altho the leveling trick at the end of the game is nice, never sell all your black maps. |