var/R = input("How much red would you like to be in your mask? (Max: 255)","Costume Customization", 0) as num
var/G = input("How much green would you like to be in your mask? (Max: 255)","Costume Customization", 0) as num
var/B = input("How much blue would you like to be in your mask? (Max: 255)","Costume Customization", 0) as num
var/obj/Mask/O = new/obj/Mask
O.icon += rgb(R,G,B)
src.overlays += O
Problem description:
After I enter the numbers for R, G, and B nothing happens at all. I've tried making src.icon = O, but the icon is just blank. For some reason the icon is getting deleted or something. I know the icon_state and everything is right for the object cause I have a mask on the map and it looks fine. Any idea what's wrong? And how I can fix it?
I do not have much knowledge in dealing with icon addition or the icon object. It might be best if you seeked the guide or reference for answeres.