attack(mob/Shaker as mob in oview(1)) // Attacks a mob within one tile of you.
if (mhp <= 0) // if M's HP are at or below 0....
usr << "<b>[Shaker] is already dead</b>"
else // otherwise....
usr << "<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>You attack [Shaker]!</FONT>" // Send this message to the user/player.
oview() << "<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>[usr] Attacks [Shaker]</FONT>" // Send this message to everybody else.
var/damage = rand(1,5) // Assign a random # to a new Variable.
world << "<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>[Shaker] takes [damage] damage!</FONT>" // Tells the damage to the world.
mhp -= damage // Takes away HP from the creature.
Shaker.DeathCheck() // Checks if the monster/creature is dead.
DeathCheck() // Checks to see if an Attack is deadly
if (mhp <= 0) // if the Defenders HP is low enough.....
world << "[usr] has just killed [src]!" // do the death messaging.
del(src) // Deletes whatever just died.
Problem description:
I Have a Issue I've been trying to figure out on my own, since I prefer figuring things out on my own, When i attack the monster, it takes damage then eventually die, but for some reason it doesn't get deleted, it just says: Shaker is already dead, and it wont delete for some reason, any ideas why?
Thanks in advance :)