Give_Match(var/mob/M in world)
set category = "General Manager"
set name = "Give Match"
set desc = "Declare a match"
var/opp=M in world
var/type=input("What type of match will it be?")
switch(input("Do you wish to make this a title match?")in list("Yes","No"))
var/title=input("Which title?")
world<<"[] The [usr.Title] has declared that [M] will be facing [opp] for the [title] in a [type] Match!"
world<<"[] The [usr.Title] has declared that [M] will be facing [opp] in a [type] Match! ((Both men please head to the ring.))"
Problem description: I am trying to make it so that the General Manager of the brand can choose two players who will be in the match, but it wont work, can anyone fix this?