Give_Match(var/mob/M in world)
set category = "General Manager"
set name = "Give Match"
set desc = "Declare a match"
var/opp=M in world
var/type=input("What type of match will it be?")
switch(input("Do you wish to make this a title match?")in list("Yes","No"))
var/title=input("Which title?")
world<<"[] The [usr.Title] has declared that [M] will be facing [opp] for the [title] in a [type] Match!"
world<<"[] The [usr.Title] has declared that [M] will be facing [opp] in a [type] Match! ((Both men please head to the ring.))"

Problem description: I am trying to make it so that the General Manager of the brand can choose two players who will be in the match, but it wont work, can anyone fix this?

Alright, what does it do wrong?
It doesn't work because you're not really selecting an opponent... <code>var/opp=M in world</code> isn't the right way to do that, it just... doesn't work like that.

Give_Match(var/mob/M in world, var/mob/opp in world) // select two mobs: M and opp
set category = "General Manager"
set name = "Give Match"
set desc = "Declare a match"
var/type=input("What type of match will it be?")
switch(input("Do you wish to make this a title match?")in list("Yes","No"))
var/title=input("Which title?")
world<<"[] The [usr.Title] has declared that [M] will be facing [opp] for the [title] in a [type] Match!"
world<<"[] The [usr.Title] has declared that [M] will be facing [opp] in a [type] Match! ((Both men please head to the ring.))"
