That was my first attempt on the base

second one, i put some outlines, i like it and decided to make the other states

still, i'm not satisfied with the waist..
and, here's my first attempt to the tree (horrible)

on the second attempt, i used the same pallete, but with another style

For the trees let me start you off with my favorite tutorial, So You Want To Be A Pixel Artist? By Tsugumo: chapter5.htm There is a very neat section describing how Secret Of Mana 3 made their amazing tree sprites.
For your first attempt, I actually really like the palette on the trunk and love the style. However the big bold outline on the left side of the tree that is highlighted should be reduced to about 1 pixel in width(Maybe 2 on some parts to make it look less uniform). Both with the leaves and the trunk it looks very messy, like you sketched it out and didn't complete it. I actually enjoy that style if that's what you were going for, but even so you still need to clean up the lines to make it work. The trunk on the second attempt looks a lot better, it has a great texture to it. Though it's missing the highlights the first one had, with that it'd finish it off and make it great!
Now for the leaves, in that tutorial I posted you can see in the palette they switch from a yellow hue at the highlights and purple in the darkest shadows. Though your palette is nice enough you don't need to do this but you can try it out to see if you like it better. Though my main problem with these leaves are again, it looks like you sketched it out and then didn't clean up the lines afterwords. Also the scaling is a little off, compared to your base an individual leaf would be about the same size as his head! On your second attempt it looks alot cleaner(Besides the outside edges being so sharp) but it seems a tad bit unrealistic how small the shrubbery part of it is compared to the trunk and your first example. You also might want to use selective outlining here, say for the top of the shrubbery part, instead of using the darkest green in your palette next to the lightest one, try using a middle ground like the second darkest or even the mid-tone.
Sorry it is a little too early in the morning for me to do an edit, but if you want to make some more attempts on these then i'll gladly make some examples for you to help out! Anyways it's all looking great for you just starting, you have some natural-born pixel-artist in ya :p