src.verbs += new/mob/beedrill/verb/furyattack
src << "You have learned Fury Attack."

Problem description:

It says that there is an undefined path, is there something I need to add or what?
> mob/beedrill
> proc
> levelcheck()
> if(src.level==11)
> src.verbs += typesof(mob/beedrill/verb/furyattack)
> src << "You have learned Fury Attack."

That should work, there is probably a better way but thats how I do it, Although yours may work and it really is an undefined path...

Basically you've not declared the verb "furyattack" (that you're saying should belong to <code>mob/beedrill</code>).

But what's the point in giving <code>mob/beedrill</code> furyattack if it's already meant to have it?
What you really want is to declare that verb elsewhere - perhaps on another mob or datum.

That way, beedrill won't come ready made with the fury attack verb- and can be given the attack later.

In your case I'd probably make a datum containing all pokemon attacks.

world << "[src] attacks furiously!"
world << "[src] smashes in a fashion reminiscent of superness!"
world << "[src] breaks down and begins to sob."

Then in your levelcheck() proc you can give your pokemon a new attack like so:
src.verbs += new/attacks/verb/furyattack

Note- you can add procs to an object's verb list too, and storing your pokemon attacks as procs instead of verbs (unlike what I did in my example) might be a tad cleaner, although in ultimately it's got more to do with personal taste than anything else.


Oh- your indentation on the last line is screwed up, too. The "You have learned Fury Attack." line is tabbed once too many times.