switch(alert("Who's side would you like to be on?","Bowser's side!","Mario's side!"))//The alert to ask Which Side you want to be on
if("Bowser's side!")//If they selected that option
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Bowser M 1"//The icon state
usr loc. = (1,1,1)
if("Mario's side!")//If they selected this option!
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Mario M 1"//The Icon state..
usr loc. = (1,1,1)
Problem description:
I knwo tis But I am new to programmign so HELP!
A few errors:
You don't want a full stop after loc- that'd only be useful if you were accessing a variable or proc that belonged to that variable. You'd want a fullstop in between usr and loc, though!
For sake of consistency, don't use usr. You've used src in the rest of the Login proc (as you've not given icon and icon_state an object reference for them to belong to, they automatically default to src. So even if you didn't write it, you technically did use it. =P), so you should use that instead of usr.
Also, be warned: usr isn't always safe in Login (if Login is called manually, for instance: read this for more information), so it's often a better idea to use src instead.
Also: it's also a good idea to use Move instead of setting a loc directly. Example:
Hope that helps!