
Problem description:

well im trying to make something that if ur at a specific level u gain a rank like if u were a "starter" and u get to a "intermediat" at lvl 100. i tried doing it here what i got

upgrade() //the ranks so far are starter and that one
if (usr.Level=100)

my error is this

log missing condition

that error is on the if (usr.Level=100) line

try to help me thanks everyone

When using if(), you have to use == instead of = . I never really understood why, but you have to.
In response to RedlineM203
Don't think so redline :/ You probably need == since you use "usr" try this instead:

if (lvl = 100)
rank = commander

or something like that :/
In response to Syltmunk
No, you do need ==.

== means evaluating (if(X==Y) means if X is equal to Y)
= means to set the value as something (X=Y means X has now the value of Y)
In response to Syltmunk
none worked need a good answer
In response to GhostAnime
can u help me out then
In response to Agrey123
No put usr in proc. Ungh. - Lummox Jr.

And the link should be as GhostAnime said, using ==. But no usr, use src.

if(src.Level == 100)
In response to Pyro_dragons
Pyro_dragons wrote:
No put usr in proc. Ungh. - Lummox Jr.

And the link should be as GhostAnime said, using ==. But no usr, use src.

if(src.Level == 100)

And everyone is salvaging the help I gave him which he thanked YESTERDAY. (He posted in multiple categories)

And now GhostAnime gets all the credit.