GM_control(mob/M as mob in world)
set category="Owner"
world<<"[usr] has just gave [M] GM!"
world<<"[usr] has just took [M]'s GM away!"

Problem description:
My problem is that i want to give people gm and take it away with the same verb but for somereason when i use it it doesnt give the gm. but when i click it again it still says i took the gm away.
Generally speaking, it's not a good idea using a variable for administration. You're better off using a list and checking it upon mob/Login() or cliet/New().

Take a look at the reference and guide to learn more about lists. What's more, permanent moderators shouldn't be able to have their verbs removed at runtime. That means you're saving that information into a savefile. Which is a bad idea. A simple savefile editor could give any malicious person administration in your game. And that's a no, no.

If the guy is being a twit, fire him, simple as that. Only temporary moderation (which isn't saved) should be able to be given and removed at runtime.
In response to Tiberath
i know how to make a list. i know all that its just sometimes u give a person gm while people are playin and i just wanted to do that with out having to code him in then having to reboot to update.