I defined a proc like this..
M.chakra -= 5000
Then had a verb to use it. It went through a few checks to make sure you could use the attack, and your not currently using another attack.
Thats how it was called, and I dont think I need to post the whole code but if I need to let me know. But the check ran fine. It stopped it when it was supposed to and such. But when it got down to calling the proc itself it just shut down the whole game.
The proc I showed isnt the whole proc, it might be something in it, and I'll keep rechecking through it, but im wondering if the way the proc was called should be different. Should it be a mob/proc/Sandwall(mob/M) or something like that?.. I just wanted to try something different because I always seem to get some conflict with the variable defined and the "src" in a mob proc.