icon = 'Magic.dmi'
icon_state = "Fire"
mob/verb/Fire(mob/M in oview(6)) // Ok this will make a verb, which you can call on a mob in oview(6) of the player
var/magic = new/obj/Magic/Fire //This makes a new Fireball object and assigns it to the var magic
missile(magic, src,M) //This calls the missle() proc, and will "throw" the Fireball from the player to the Mob
Problem description:It will not fire the spell and I cant get it to look like its go north, south, east, or west. Plus I dont know how use it for my other spells.
Thanks for reading
and I still need help on how to make this code work for all my spells and how to make them look like they are suppose to north, south, east, and west
Thanks for reading