Problem description:
hi im trying to add a proc that can make me learn a specific verb at a specific lvl here is what the probelm is source
the proc i used is
LearnNew()// you have to name the proc
if(src.Level==10)//dont forget parentheses
src+=Kurosaki_power ()
but whenever i complie with that it says source
is it something with that verb
hereis that verb
Kurosaki_power () //test verbs for firing beams.
set category = "Shoot"
var/obj/projectile/Kurosaki_power/P = new(null,usr) //create a new projectile, assign usr as it's owner. loc is auto calculated (see New() above)
walk(P,P.dir,P.delay) //make the projectile move.
any help will be supported
Aug 8 2007, 10:25 am
In response to Swift19
ya it worked but uhh its like the proc isnt working like i did it but at lvl 10 it doesnt gimmi the verb ...but when i make the proc into a verb when im lvl 10 and i click the verb i have for it , it works so how do imake it automatic so asoon as im lvl 10 it gives me the tech
In response to Agrey123
when is the proc called?
post your levelup code |
In response to Swift19
ok uhh here is how u get the levels
obj Log icon = 'trainlog.dmi' density = 1 verb Punch() set name = "Log Train" set category = "Training" set src in oview(1) if(Punch== 0) usr.Str+=0.50 usr.Level+=1 usr.maxHp+=0.10 usr.Def+=0.10 usr.Hp-=5 if(usr.Hp<10) usr<<"Cant train, too tired - Rest." return usr<<"You Kick The Logs Ass." anddddd here is the vars mob var/Str = 5 var/Def = 5 var/maxHp = 100 var/Endurance = 5 var/Hp= 100 var/wealth=100 var/maxStr=5 var/Level=1 var/Rank="Starter" var/inventory[0] |
In response to Agrey123
Agrey123 wrote:
ok uhh here is how u get the levels > put the proc LearnNew() under usr.Hp-=5 |
In response to Swift19
it says
log proc |
In response to Agrey123
did you put the () at the end.. so its LearnNew()?
In response to Swift19
In response to Agrey123
got msn we take this off the fourms?
try this obj |
In response to Swift19
try that see if it works, also you never posted where the proc gets called.