.winset "CurrentViewDisplay.text='Browser';"

Problem description:
Why does .winset NOT want to work?!?!?!?!!?!!??!!?!??

I put that as the command of a menu options. CurrentViewDisplay exists as a label. WHY does the text not change when I click the option? I've tried all sorts of variations of that up there. What could possibly be wrong?! Is it a bug?!
idk much on winset myself but mabe
.winset "CurrentViewDisplay.text="Browser";"

.winset "CurrentViewDisplay.text=Browser;"
In response to Lt. Pain
The top example won't work, as you can see, the quotes break up (so either escape the quotes with \ or use the squiggly brackets (whatever they\re called) at the beginning and end of the string: {" -- "} )

But really, they should work the same way.

From what I can figure out, the most likely cause for the text not appearing is that the label itself is too small for the text (so try resizing the label).
In response to GhostAnime
It's not that, because I can call winset() in a proc with the same information and it will work like expected.