Could Someone Make or Get Me a Green and Yellow CSS Please
Are you sure about green and yellow?

body {background-color: #FFFF00;color: #006600;}
a:link, a:visited, .info_link {color: #10DD10;}
a:hover {color: #005000;}
#headbar, .title, .post .title, .comment .title {border-bottom: thin solid #004000;}
#headbar, input, #description, .info_text, .box, .post, .post .slugline, .post .title, .box .title, .comment, .comment .title a, .comment .title, .header {background-color: #006600; color: #FFFF00;}
.comment .slugline, .post .slugline {color: #DDDD00;border-top: thin solid #007500;}
.box, .post, .comment, textarea {border: 2px solid #507500}
input {border: 1px solid transparent;}
input:hover {border: 1px inset #DDDD00}
.page_header .title {border: 0px;}
textarea {background-color: #DDDD00;color:#004000;padding: 5px;}

I could darken it a bit if you want.
I'm Sure and thank you n.n
the yellow kills my eyes.
These are my school colors. D:
Lol, I like the why the colours go together =P
Don't mean to sound like a dick, but it's "CSS" just so you know.

I suggest making the yellow background a little darker, but the text is fine.
-.- yes it would look better if the yellow was ABIT darker
Hey, I offered to make it darker :p

body {background-color: #DDDD00;color: #006600;}
a:link, a:visited, .info_link {color: #10DD10;}
a:hover {color: #005000;}
#headbar, .title, .post .title, .comment .title {border-bottom: thin solid #004000;}
#headbar, input, #description, .info_text, .box, .post, .post .slugline, .post .title, .box .title, .comment, .comment .title a, .comment .title, .header {background-color: #006600; color: #FFFF00;}
.comment .slugline, .post .slugline {color: #DDDD00;border-top: thin solid #007500;}
.box, .post, .comment, textarea {border: 2px solid #507500}
input {border: 1px solid transparent;}
input:hover {border: 1px inset #DDDD00}
.page_header .title {border: 0px;}
textarea {background-color: #DDDD00;color:#004000;padding: 5px;}

Better? Or even darker than that?
better, but now it looks like Brazil lol(I come from England)

maybe green into Red and yellow into white plz, if i like i will keep it but if i don't i will go back to this
Jeez, what's taking DarkCampainger so long to make you a new CSS? For a personal slave, he sure is pretty lazy.
personal slave? I wish I had a personal Slave lmao, and i JUST asked about 30mins ago...
Rawr, sorry it took so long, I've been busy.

body {background-color: #FFFFFF;color: #660000;}
a:link, a:visited, .info_link {color: #DD1010;}
a:hover {color: #500000;}
#headbar, .title, .post .title, .comment .title {border-bottom: thin solid #400000;}
#headbar, input, #description, .info_text, .box, .post, .post .slugline, .post .title, .box .title, .comment, .comment .title a, .comment .title, .header {background-color: #660000; color: #FFFFFF;}
.comment .slugline, .post .slugline {color: #DDDDDD;border-top: thin solid #750000;}
.box, .post, .comment, textarea {border: 2px solid #FFDDDD}
input {border: 1px solid transparent;}
input:hover {border: 1px inset #DDDDDD}
.page_header .title {border: 0px;}
textarea {background-color: #DDDDDD;color:#400000;padding: 5px;}

Anything else, oh great master Clark? :p

*Edit* Don't look at my page! It's deadly :O
OMG! ITS UGLY! Van you plz make me a Black with Dark Grey background with Yellow font plz

*edit* what have you done to your page!!!
Yea, well that's all you get for free :p
awwwww... =P
Hooray for John Deere!
"what have you done to your page!!!"

Heh, the funny thing was that I removed the edit button and couldn't change it back xD
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