
Problem description:

hi everyone how do i make a verb that can summon objects and the objects appear beside u ..then they go away after some time....and also the moves determing of where u click. Like if u clcik somewhere the object moves there. And also makes the obj attack players like if u click on the players or it bumps into the player it hurts them.i got somewhat started but can someone continue it i got stuck here

var/obj/petals/F = new /obj/petals/(usr.loc)

can someone plz continue it
Agrey123 wrote:
hi everyone how do i make a verb that can summon objects and

You first learn to code even more basic things and read the DM Guide.

can someone plz continue it

This is the Code Problems forum, not the code request forum<small>*</small>.

<small>*There isn't one</small>

Oh, and BTW you close tags by putting the slash in the beginning of the tag, not the end, like this for example </DM>.
In response to Kaioken
wow u know how to put a smile on someones face.
In response to Agrey123
Too many people asking too many dumb question makes the helper people grouchy.