world << "[src.] has logged in!"
usr<< "Welcome To Paper Mario The begining! Enjoy and please play by the rules!"
switch(alert("Please Choose your Player Icon!","Choose","Mario","Bowser","Peach"))//The alert to ask Which Side you want to be on
if("Bowser")//If they selected that option
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Bowser M 1"//The icon state
usr.loc = locate(50,50,2)
if("Mario")//If they selected this option!
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Mario M 1"//The Icon state..
usr.loc = locate(50,50,1)
icon = 'mobs.dmi'
icon_state = "Peach M 1"
usr.loc = locate(50,50,3)

Problem description:
Alright no errors just a big problem
I start it up and it brings when I pick mario it brings me to 50,50,3 when it should be 50,50,1 and peach and bowser both have NO map? Whats wrong?

Simple, you are using usr.

usr != user, look it up in DM Ref. to see what it actually is. Safe spots for using usr would be in verbs/Click()/DblClick()/Stat().

Use src instead.
In response to GhostAnime
GhostAnime wrote:
Simple, you are using usr.

usr != user, look it up in DM Ref. to see what it actually is. Safe spots for using usr would be in verbs/Click()/DblClick()/Stat().

Use src instead.
like this????

world << "[src.] has logged in!"
usr<< "Welcome To Paper Mario The begining! Enjoy and please play by the rules!"
switch(alert("Please Choose your Player Icon!","Choose","Mario","Bowser","Peach"))//The alert to ask Which Side you want to be on
if("Bowser")//If they selected that option
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Bowser M 1"//The icon state
src.loc = locate(50,50,2)
if("Mario")//If they selected this option!
icon = 'mobs.dmi'//The icon file
icon_state = "Mario M 1"//The Icon state..
src.loc = locate(50,50,1)
icon = 'mobs.dmi'
icon_state = "Peach M 1"
src.loc = locate(50,50,3)
I'm wondering if you're using multiple maps for this? Maybe your coordinates aren't leading where you think they're leading if you're using multiple maps.

If you want a more foolproof way to send them to a specific point, you might try when I mentioned in [link], where you send them to tagged locations instead of coordinates.

Also, using ..() isn't necessary here. You should look up Login() in the DM Reference and see what the default action is.