#define MaxLen 999
set category = "GM"
set name = "Prefix"
prefix = copytext(prefix,1,MaxLen+1)
var/pre = input("Please type in your prefix. The Prefix maker will cut it down so that it is only [MaxLen] characters long","PREFIX",prefix) as null|text
if(!pre) return
if(length(pre) >= MaxLen+1)
pre = copytext(pre,1,MaxLen+1)
pre += ""
prefix = pre
Delete_Prefix(mob/M in world)
set category = "GM"
set name = "Delete Prefix"
prefix = null
Problem description:
That code works, It does what it is supposed to do. But there is one annoying problem with it.
When i use it to put GM as my Prefix, Everyone in the game has it. Even when i choose my name out of the list, It makes everyone have a Prefix.
Can someone fix this please?
paste the full code your using and ill be able to help, or otherwise point out to me, where it does those two things at.